Keeping Safe & Secure Over the Holidays

While the holidays are a beautiful time of the year, full of twinkling lights, sledding, and eggnog lattes, we have to remember that it’s not always snowflakes and gum drops. This year especially has been a tough one and families have been hit hard emotionally, and financially. Keeping your home and family safe is extremely important all year-round, and we’ve got some tips for you on how to stay safe, keep your space and belongings secure, and love the holiday season without incident.

Many safety-related advocacy groups will remind you to keep your walkways clear and well-lit while also ensuring that your packaging from gifts is properly disposed of. This is all valid information and at Cedarglen Living, we’ve got you covered! When you live in one of our properties, snow and ice removal, common recycling and garbage disposal bins, and well-lit areas are all included in our condos and townhouse projects. Safety comes first to us and as such, we are proud to offer these services to our customers.

Lock your vehicles, doors, and windows

The easiest way to get into someone’s home or car is to simply open the door. Car prowlings are up in Calgary, and most of the time it’s because people don’t lock their doors. Take one extra second to double check when you’re leaving your home or vehicle that windows and doors are locked.

Another good practice is not to leave valuables in your vehicle, especially not in plain sight. If your car looks like there’s nothing worth stealing in it, it will likely be left alone.

While most of our customers have underground heated parking stalls that are safe and secure, it is always a good reminder to ensure that your valuables are locked up, when you’re home or not – especially in mall parking lots this time of year!

Consider the potential hazards of your decorations.

  • Check that all of the cords and lights are in good working order and have no frays or defects. So many house fires happen due to faulty electrical devices over the holidays.
  • Use safety equipment when hanging lights in high places like rooftops or tall trees. Slips off of ladders and roofs are very common this time of year. Unless you want to do a one-legged polka at your holiday party, make sure you’re set up properly before you put up your string lights and plug in your décor items.
  • Use ladders on dry, flat surfaces and double-check when you move them that they are secure and solid before climbing up.
  • Be careful of open flames in your fireplace and when using candles. Having candle holders in vases that are taller than the flame and ensuring that your fireplace is clean and safe are great ways to prevent fires.


Ensure the safety of your family – including your pets!

  • Practice safe food handling by avoiding cross-contamination (especially when handling turkey and chicken), and by washing your hands frequently when preparing meals. Washing fruits and veggies thoroughly before serving them, and proper food storage will help prevent the spread of bacteria.
  • Keep the kids away from the bar when you’re hosting! This is self-explanatory but needs to be mentioned to avoid having a sick child because they got into the spiked punch bowl!
  • Ensure that your pets can’t reach your tinsel, chew your light cords, or any encounter any other potential hazards that come with the holidays. Remember that coffee tables can be reached, and Rex can likely grab that chocolate off of your grandma’s serving dish.
  • Prepare your vehicle for winter conditions with a road safety emergency kit. Also, be sure that you have a sober driver when returning home from holiday events.

The holidays are supposed to be a beautiful part of the winter season. We hope that you all have wonderful and safe celebrations with your loved ones. Remember these tips when preparing for, and celebrating your favourite traditions with your friends and family. We also hope that those who do not have close family and friends know that Cedarglen Living communities are intentionally designed to build community spirit and care for our neighbours in them. If you are experiencing hardship during this time, please reach out to the many organizations available so that we all have a wonderful, happy, and bright holiday season.

From all of us at Cedarglen Living, welcome home for the holidays!

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